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Synthetic Methodology,
Flow Chemistry and Natural Product Synthesis
List of publications as a corresponding author:
32. Akash S. Ubale, Moseen A. Shaikh, Nirmala Mohanta, Boopathy Gnanaprakasam*. Peroxidation and Skeletal Rearrangement for the Synthesis of Dioxole-2-carboxamide Derivatives under Continuous-Flow Conditions. Adv. Synth.Catal. 2023, 365, 1-8.
31. Nirmala Mohanta, Pragnya Paramita Samal, Akanksha M. Pandey, Shankhajit Mondal Sailaja Krishnamurty and Boopathy Gnanaprakasam*. Catalyst Assisted Selective Vinylation and Methylallylation of Quaternary Carbon Centre by using tert-Butyl Acetate. J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 9686–9703.
34. Akash B. Jamdade, Dashrat V. Sutar and Boopathy Gnanaprakasam*. Synthesis of Macrolactams from Macrolactones Using Ru-/Ir-Catalytic System under Neutral Conditions. Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 9058–9063.
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